- A mess! Oh my! "Where are your paper towels?" they say. "We don't use them," you say. A look of utter confusion strikes them. "What do you want me to use?!" they blurt. "There are some small towels for clean ups in that drawer, just toss it in the washer." Amazingly, one towel does the trick.
- Your guest(s) run around with dirty fingers looking for paper napkins, they pass the cloth ones on the dining table several times but will still ask where the paper napkins are. You direct them to the cloth ones and they respond with "oh I don't want to mess up your good napkins." You must tell them that they are your only napkins and it is absolutely no problem to wash napkins along with everything else. A look of confusion comes over their features. They use the cloth napkins. You suspect they like them and feel special because they used them.
- Someone asks for napkins, you direct them to the cloth napkins, they follow up with "oh, well where are your paper towels?" You tell them you don't have any. Perhaps they would like a small towel? A look of confusion briefly passes over their features. They go for the cloth napkins.
Why are we so compelled to use paper products for every day living? You have to take out the trash more often and you have another regular expense to add to your list. Using cloth has a tiny impact on your laundry, works better, and feels more luxurient. Disturb your guests and start using cloth! You might even consider buying cloth napkins for gifts ...
We stopped using paper towels at our house too. There's still a half roll sitting forlorn and forgotten on the table that never gets used anymore!